Medical store management system project java
Medical store management system project java

Customers can easily visit this site and register themself, by filling a registration form. This application is use distributors can view detailed information of transactions and get drugs information and see future orders from his account. This type of application will atomize the procedure of drug supply through the Pharmaceuticals Company and improve business standards and customer relationships. this project is to develop an online web portal that can handle product information, can booking from distributors very fast from all over the world and online payment for orders and customer support for distributors. online Pharmacy shop project in JSP Mysql Netbeans. This project is a web application which is developed in Java JSP Mysql. Work on the Sales Reporting And Management System-Pharma project to enhance the growth of pharma employees/ companies. While(fscanf(ptr1,"%d %s %s %s %s",&temp1.supp_id,temp1.supp_name,,temp1.mob_no,temp1.Online Medicine Shop Project in JSP Mysql. Printf("Press Anykey to go to SUPPLIER MENU !!!") Printf("Supplier Added successfully!!!!!") Printf("Press First charecter for the operation : ") įprintf(fp,"%d %s %s %s %s\n\n",temp1.supp_id,temp1.supp_name,temp1.mob_no,, Printf("SUPPLIER ID : %d ",temp1.supp_id) While(fscanf(ptrbill,"%s %s %s %d %f %f %d %d %d",bil.billno,bil.cname,bil.mediname,&bil.medi_qty,&bil.medi_rate,&,&,&bil.month,&bil.year)!=EOF) Printf("Sr.No Medicine Name Qty Rate Total ") Puts(">") //This message will only print on INVALID ENTRY and Will ask again for input. Switch (c) //This 'SWITCH' structure will ask the user for input from to and will display error on Invalid Entry. Printf("=> It's Helpfull For Display Stock Of Medicine ") Printf("=> We Can Also Search Medicine ,Customer,Supplier Details") Printf("=> We Can Modifed & Delete Existing Record") Printf("=> In This Project we Can Add Medicine ,Customer,Supplier Details") Printf("Please Enter vailid Username & Passward!!!!!") įor(i=1 i This Project Is About Medical Store ") If(strcmp(name,"rana") || strcmp(pass,"singh")) function for auto increment customer & supplier Id. SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord) A search can be conducted using a medication id, a customer id, or the name of a supplier. You may also look up information on customers or suppliers, as well as drugs that have been added to stock. You may create, change, and remove customer, supplier, and drug records in this project. This C Medical Store Management System small project is a console programme with no graphics.

Medical store management system project java